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This a logo for the PEEPS UNC Research Study.

The UNC Center for Women’s Mood Disorders wants to learn more about mood and brain function during the menopause transition. During this big life change, many women feel and behave differently because of the changes that are happening inside their bodies. We want to find ways to help women feel better during this time. We also want to help them understand the reasons for the change in emotions and different thoughts they might be having. This research study will look at a patch that is already FDA approved for improving bone density and managing hot flashes (called Climara) to see if it can also improve thoughts, feelings, and the ability to focus in women who are going through this change.

This study involves 6 visits, up to 4 of these can be done virtually on Zoom and 2 of these will be done at UNC. We will ask you to take a form of estrogen for three weeks, sit for 2 scans of your brain, and speak regularly with our study team about your thoughts and feelings. Before starting any medication, you would answer questions about your mood and health, and receive a physical exam.

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you are between the ages 44-55, have cycles more than 7 days earlier or later than usual, but you’ve still had a period in the last year, and are feeling less interested in your usual activities.

Study Screening Form:

For additional questions, please contact the study coordinator: Kate Gibson ( or 919-966-5243

This research has been approved by the UNC Chapel Hill Biomedical IRB on December 16, 2021 (PI: Dichter, #21-2230). For questions on your rights as a research participant, please contact the UNC IRB at (919) 966-3113.

Depression, Aging, Stress and Heart Health (DASHH) Study

The purpose of the Depression, Aging, Stress and Heart Health (DASHH) study is to collect data on whether mood symptoms during menopause may affect your stress hormones and heart rate. These results will help researchers at UNC understand how mood symptoms during menopause could impact risk for heart disease later in life.

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete the following:

  • Participate in a remote zoom visit with a brief interview about your mental health and some questionnaires.
  • Attend an in-person visit with a brief math and speech task, as well as 2 blood draws and 4 saliva collections.
  • Participate in a brief follow-up phone-call. 
  • You will also complete a 3-day food journal and questionnaires about mood, sleep, anxiety, and general health.

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you are between the ages 44-55, have skipped at least two periods in the past year, but you’ve still had a period in the last year, and are generally healthy.

Contact Information:

PI: Dr. Margo Nathan

Study Coordinator: Jamie Steed, Ph: (919) 962-4798

This research has been approved by the UNC Chapel Hill Biomedical IRB (PI: Nathan, #22-0763). For questions on your rights as a research participant, please contact the UNC IRB at (919) 966-3113.